Municipal Geography Seminar in AFLS
In order to further improve the teaching levels of middle school geography and strengthen exchange& cooperation among geography teachers in each school, on the afternoon of 18th March, Anqing Foreign Language School proceeded two geography demonstration lessons in Junior High Department of the west campus on the first floor of the Lecture Hall.
The two demo lessons were conducted respectively by Chen Hua’s Grade 8 geography ‘Hong Kong& Macao’ as well as  Pan Ling’s Grade 7 geography ‘Japan’. During the classes, two teachers were full of passion, which not only influenced students’ emotions, but also aroused their enthusiasm. More noticeably, students gained knowledge and experienced the pleasure of geography classroom teaching, manifesting the charm of the subject.
In conclusion, during the exchange session, many teachers from our sister schools expressed their own opinions one after another and put forward valuable suggestions for the two contestants. In a nutshell, other colleagues’ favorable comments affirmed and inspired our young teachers.



